Accommodation in Lausanne

To help you make a choice, we selected 3 places in Lausanne to find an accommodation during the WordCamp.

The 3 are easy to reach with the Metro M2, station « Flon » for the Palae an « Bessières » for the 2 others.

Lausanne Guesthouse

We partner with the Lausanne Guesthouse.

WordCampers will be grouped by room. It’s an original and friendly way to stay in Lausanne and share accomodation with other members of the community. Single and double rooms are also available like in any hotel, rooms may have a view on the lake or on the old town. 

Simply use the promo code: wclsneGH.
This code gives us a starting discount of 5% and the more the people will use it, the bigger the discount will be.


Swiss Wine Hotel

For those who want the unexpected and modern hotel

Lausanne Palace

And for those who want a Palace…