Contribute as a Micro Sponsor


As you know, sponsors play an important role in the organisation of a WordCamp. It is thanks to sponsors that we can organize an event up to your expectations. Our sponsorship slots are almost full. But you still have a chance to sponsor the event. Indeed, there is the Micro sponsor level.


What is Micro sponsorship?

Micro sponsorship allows small businesses, freelancers or simply WordPress fans to join the success of WordCamp, while gaining visibility. Participating in the success of a WordCamp is especially contributing to WordPress and its community.


What’s in a Micro sponsorship for you?

We will publish your name and logo on the WordCamp website, your name will appear in the post thanking sponsors. The Micro sponsor obviously includes the entry ticket that will allow you to participate to conferences, workshops, access to the WarmUp event and of course the after party. Without further ado, go to the ticketing page where you can buy a Micro sponsor ticket.